
You can find me painting, playing with my dog Eva, or walking in nature.

Born in Buenos Aires in 1993, my life has always been intertwined with art and design from an early age. I graduated as a graphic designer from the University of Buenos Aires, and at the age of 21, I began teaching at the same institution, as well as working as a teacher at the Di Tella University.

For over 9 years, I have worked as a freelance designer. Currently, I hold the position of Design Director, specializing in Branding and web design.

Instagram | Behance | Web

1. Border - Brand Identity   2. Chas - Brand Identity   3. TheraPet - Brand Identity 

1. Border - Brand Identity   2. Chas - Brand Identity   3. TheraPet - Brand Identity 

1. Border - Brand Identity   2. Chas - Brand Identity   3. TheraPet - Brand Identity 

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