Lettering / Type design

You can find me at home reading manga or anime, watching movies, or riding my bikes. 

I graduated as a graphic designer from FADU - UBA, where I currently teach Typography 1 in the Longinotti chair. I work as a designer at SURe brandesign, where I develop lettering, illustration, and typographic design applied to packaging and visual identities. I am also involved in the creation of a letter combination called Lettermafia, where we collaborate in the world of letters. I have taught at places such as Tipos Latinos, Trimarchi, and Domestika.

Instagram | Behance

1. Hasta Estallar  2. Afiches populares  3. Afiches populares 4. Noname Font 

1. Hasta Estallar  2. Afiches populares  3. Afiches populares 4. Noname Font 

1. Hasta Estallar  2. Afiches populares  3. Afiches populares 4. Noname Font 

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