Editorial/Poster design

You can find me screen printing or doing graphic design in my studio, in a punk/rock show, or playing football.

I have been studying graphic design independently since 2007 and studied Textile Design at FAUD (UNMdP). I am passionate about music and have been creating posters for concerts since 2008.
In 2018, we founded TEG Studio, with my partner Emiliano Aranguren, where we currently work as designers and art directors. We also do screen printing on paper and produce our own work.


1. Serigrafía DumChica   2. Buenos Vampiros   3.Cadena Perpetua   4. DumChica Figuritas  5. Buenos Vampiros

1. Serigrafía DumChica   2. Buenos Vampiros   3.Cadena Perpetua   4. DumChica Figuritas  5. Buenos Vampiros

1. Serigrafía DumChica   2. Buenos Vampiros   3.Cadena Perpetua   4. DumChica Figuritas  5. Buenos Vampiros

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