Creative/Art direction

You can find me drawing with watercolors, working in the studio, or trying out recipes.

I began studying advertising creativity. After that, I studied photography, theatrical lighting, and Art History. I am mainly dedicated to food and still life photography. I enjoy playing with the blend of lights, creating a meeting point between artificial and natural light. In each project, I imagine and design unique photos, creating scenes. I like every image to tell a story. I strive for my photos to evoke emotions. Images that are devoured with the eyes. 

Instagram | Behance | Web

1. Office - Personal project   2. Madre Mezcal   3. Oda al merengue- Personal project 4. Oda al merengue- Personal project

1. Office - Personal project   2. Madre Mezcal   3. Oda al merengue- Personal project 4. Oda al merengue- Personal project

1. Office - Personal project   2. Madre Mezcal   3. Oda al merengue- Personal project 4. Oda al merengue- Personal project

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