3D designer

You can find me with my red notebook making sketches for my metal jewelry in a café

Since I was young, I’ve been passionate about art. When I combined this passion with my interest in the internet and learning new things, I discovered that I could use computer programs to visualize my ideas. I graduated as a Graphic Designer from the UBA, where I had my first encounters with 3D. I worked as a designer for many years until I was able to focus my career more on the production of computer-generated images, and later on, I shifted my focus to artistic and creative direction.

Under my own name, I work on various projects, taking on different roles in the field of design. I am also a co-founder of Virtual Visions, a personal project where I collaborate with other creators to bring to life the ideas of those who reach out to us, providing technical solutions for various areas. As Luxi, I manage my artistic identity. I am a multidisciplinary artist, but my focus has been on digital art for several years, which creates a strong connection between my profile as a designer and my role as a visual artist.

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1. Amulets   2. Compositions   3. Twisted

1. Amulets   2. Compositions   3. Twisted

1. Amulets   2. Compositions   3. Twisted

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