Editorial/Poster design

You can find me trying coffee in new places, listening to vinyl records, or running

I am a designer, author, and professor specialized in publishing. I design books and editorial systems. I am also an editorial director and co-author of the books ‘Conversations on Design and Creativity’ Volumes 1, 2, and 3, published by my publishing house Capitular / Libros. I am an Associate Professor of Editorial Design at FADU-UBA.

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1. La carneada - Juan Pedro Rastelino   2. Cannabis - Chelo Markous   3. Donde - Eduardo Lalo   4. El gran libro del vino argentino - Catapulta

1. La carneada - Juan Pedro Rastelino   2. Cannabis - Chelo Markous   3. Donde - Eduardo Lalo   4. El gran libro del vino argentino - Catapulta

1. La carneada - Juan Pedro Rastelino   2. Cannabis - Chelo Markous   3. Donde - Eduardo Lalo   4. El gran libro del vino argentino - Catapulta

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