
You can find me in the studio, running, or reading a section of one of the 300 books I have on my to-read list.

Eugenia Mello is an Illustrator and Graphic Designer. She trained as a graphic designer at the University of Buenos Aires. In May 2017, she completed a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Illustration at the School of Visual Arts in New York City. Her work has been awarded the gold and silver medals by the Society of Illustrators of New York. Her illustrations have also been recognized by several other institutions such as Communication Arts, American Illustration, Creative Quarterly, and 3x3magazine. She is a faculty member at the School of Visual Arts in NY and Queens College.

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1. Monoblock - Puzzle   2. A River of Dust - Illustrated Book 3. A River of Dust - Illustrated Book  4. UPS express boxes and envelopes.

1. Monoblock - Puzzle   2. A River of Dust - Illustrated Book 3. A River of Dust - Illustrated Book  4. UPS express boxes and envelopes.

1. Monoblock - Puzzle   2. A River of Dust - Illustrated Book 3. A River of Dust - Illustrated Book  4. UPS express boxes and envelopes.

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