
You can find us playing foosball, tejo, or UNO , drawing on the walls, or having our weekly breakfast with lots of flour.

Clubcamping is a multi-award-winning creative studio specializing in character-driven animation and problem-solving through design. Their dynamic and energetic animations, filled with fluidity, have their roots in history, resulting in a truly unique and astonishingly detailed expressive design.

As animation explorers, at Clubcamping, we love approaching our projects like a puzzle, analyzing each element to find the best and most interesting way to assemble it. This allows each project to have an impact full of energy and personality.

Based in Buenos Aires, Clubcamping started in 2018 with Ana Sieglitz, Juliana Millán, and Mariano Fernández Russo. We discovered that we shared a kinetic energy when working together, as reflected in our style and process, and we decided to join forces. The rest, as they say, is history.

Instagram | Behance | Web

1. Porsche Pedro Rodriguez   2. XIKA vs. La Desinformacion   3. Tartarus

1. Porsche Pedro Rodriguez   2. XIKA vs. La Desinformacion   3. Tartarus

1. Porsche Pedro Rodriguez   2. XIKA vs. La Desinformacion   3. Tartarus

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Brought to you by The Network.

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