Editorial/Poster design

You can find me designing, listening to Japanese music, or travelling.

I worked for many years in branding and web studios as an art director and lead designer. Currently, I have my own design studio with my partner, where we focus on branding and web design. I also work in my spare time on research about the digitization and miniaturization of information through posters, where I mix collage, metaphor, and avant-garde design.

Instagram | Behance | Web

1. Whisper Collection - Making Of NoN   2. VERS - Anything Goes - Series   3. The Raven of Japan

1. Whisper Collection - Making Of NoN   2. VERS - Anything Goes - Series   3. The Raven of Japan

1. Whisper Collection - Making Of NoN   2. VERS - Anything Goes - Series   3. The Raven of Japan

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